If you wish to sponsor your children to come to Canada, you'll be glad to know that they may qualify as dependents under specific criteria. Here's what you need to know:
Children Under 22 Years Old: Your children can be considered dependents if they meet the following conditions:

• They are under 22 years old.

• They do not have a spouse or partner.

Children 22 Years Old or Older (Overage Dependent Children): Even if your children are 22 years old or older, they may still qualify as dependents if they meet the following criteria:

• They have relied on their parents for financial support since before they turned 22.

• They are unable to financially support themselves due to a mental or physical condition.

At Prime Immigration, we understand the significance of family unity and are dedicated to helping you bring your loved ones to Canada. Our experienced team can assist you in determining your children's eligibility as dependents and guide you through the sponsorship process.

Book a consultation with us today to get personalized advice and support for sponsoring your dependents. We'll provide all the necessary information and help you prepare a successful sponsorship application.

Contact us at email: Phone: +1 (416) 650-6263 or (705) 220-2526

Don't miss the opportunity to reunite with your children in Canada. Book your consultation now, and let us assist you in making your family's dreams come true. We look forward to being part of your journey toward bringing your loved ones to Canada.

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